Finding the Right Comprehensive Dental Care: A Guide to Uniting Dentistry and Orthodontics Near You

A dentist wearing blue gloves explains a dental procedure using a tooth model, while a patient takes notes on a clipboard, illustrating a consultation session.

Your oral health care in Schaumburg, IL often needs to extend beyond regular checkups and cleanings. Understanding the difference between a dentist and an orthodontist becomes crucial. Dentists offer preventive care, routine cleanings, cavity fillings, and a wide range of general oral health services. On the other hand, orthodontists specialize in correcting alignment issues through […]

Emergency Dentistry and the Importance

emergency dental care

Needing emergency service is never a situation you want to find yourself in. Many times, people don’t realize they may even need emergency dental care. Dental emergencies just like health emergencies need to be treated with promptness, which is why more and more dentists are beginning to offer emergency care. If you are unsure of […]

Changing the Reputation of Root Canals

Changing the Reputation of Root Canals

Root canals have had a bad reputation for a long while. Reality is, root canals can actually save your natural tooth rather than needing it extracted and replaced. Most of the time, root canals are the chosen procedure when the tooth has severely decayed, to the point where a filling or a crown will not […]

Stages of Gum Disease

Gum Disease Stages

Gum Disease is also referred to as periodontal disease and can inflict a lot of damage to not only your mouth but other parts of your body as well. Unfortunately, many people that are affected by this oral illness underestimate the severity and long-term repercussions that it can cause. If you are experiencing symptoms of […]

New Year, New Me

2019 picture

We’re all guilty of saying we’ll finally start eating healthier, working out, and fulfilling countless other New Year’s resolutions once January 1st hits. But how often do we actually follow through on these promises to ourselves? The truth is probably a lot less often than we’d like to admit. It can be hard to commit […]

The Best and Worst Candies for Your Teeth: Ranked

Bowl full of Halloween Candy

By Jasmine Patel With Halloween right around the corner, you should know which treats are tricking you, and which you can trust. No candy is created equal, and some are definitely hazardous to your teeth’s health. But fear not! There are some treats that aren’t so bad for your teeth, and it won’t hurt if […]

The Healthiest Way to Store Your Toothbrush

You do a lot to maintain your oral health. You brush twice a day, use mouthwash and floss regularly. But is that enough? Did you know that, depending on how you store your toothbrush, you could be inviting bacteria into your mouth? Here are six steps to follow to make sure your toothbrush is helping […]

Everything You Need to Know about Schaumburg Dental Studios’ Financial Options

Money can be a considerable barrier to receiving dental care, but it doesn’t have to be. At SDS, we offer various financial solutions to our patients because we believe that everyone deserves quality and affordable dental care and they shouldn’t have to bankrupt themselves to do so. Financial FAQ’s What insurances do you accept? At […]

Summer Youth Programs, put some structure into Summer!

School’s out for summer. The celebration is over, and the chorus of “Mom, I’m bored” can be heard all over the neighborhood. Now what? It’s important to keep your kids active over the summer to avoid them forgetting what they’ve learned in school and to keep you from losing your mind. Luckily, for you and […]

Dental Emergencies! How to Brush Your Teeth Without a Toothbrush or Toothpaste

flossing teeth - Schaumburg, IL

As hard as we all try to be prepared, sometimes you find yourself needing to brush your teeth without a toothbrush or toothpaste (The 7 best toothpastes for sensitive teeth are here) in sight. What do you do? Should you just ignore the build-up on your teeth? Of course not! Here are five easy ways […]