When you go through an extraction, there will be a space in the mouth where the tooth once existed. Occasionally, especially after wisdom teeth removals, a dry socket may form. Dry sockets are extremely painful and can be minimally avoided.
After extraction, there is a chance of a dry socket forming. After an extraction, in the space where the tooth once lived, a blood clot forms, covering the hole. A dry socket occurs when the blood clot detaches from the site, which leaves nerves exposed. The blood clot creates a barrier that was allows the site to heal, relatively pain free – but when it detaches, you are uncovered to food debris, plaque and liquids.
To reduce the risk of a dry socket, there are few steps to take. One of the best ways to reduce your risk of dealing a dry socket is following your dentist’s instructions the best you can. Your dentist routinely goes through extractions and knows the best ways to handle the site post-op. Following instructions is the best way to avoid a dry socket, but if you feel any slight sense of pain or discomfort to seek dental attention immediately. With their expertise, they’ve seen it all, so listening to the doctor the best you can is imperative to a fast, and good healing experience.
Another way you can try to prevent a dry socket is not smoking after the extraction, and being aware of teeth grinding. These both can cause dry sockets to form as they move the blood clot. Another thing to avoid is rinsing the mouth aggressively and brushing the site. When taking care of your oral hygiene, you should be gentle.
If you are dealing with the dry socket pain, the best thing to do is see your doctor for help. Your dentist will be able to pack the exposed area, creating a barrier, like a mock blood clot. Of course this will not be able to stay in forever, as it prevents healing from fully occurring, so you will need to regularly visit the dentist so they can watch the area.
If you have gone through an extraction, always follow your dentist’s instructions, post –op. If you need further assistance on what to do, contact your dental practice to gain more information.