
Invisalign - SCHAUMBURG, IL


whiteney invisaling patient
"Enamel Recontouring and Invisalign Helped Me To Be Confident With My Smile"

Hi, my name is Whitney, and I got enamel recontouring done and Invisalign at Schaumburg Dental Studio. My teeth growing up are fine. I never had crooked teeth. As I got older, I started to become very sensitive about the way that my teeth looked in photos when I smile, a genuine smile. It was so disheartening to see a photo come back and to have these two large buck teeth. It just made me not appreciate the happiness in the photo. I was more fixated on the way that my teeth looked versus the happiness that was in the pictures.

I just sat there in awe, like I loved my smile. I loved the way it looked. I felt more beautiful and more confident, and it defines happiness to me because the bigger the smile, the greater the joy, and it just shines through you.

whitney invisalign patient

Whitney's wife:

I actually used to watch her and listen to her kind of become upset when she would look at pictures of herself because she didn’t really care for how her teeth looked. When you have someone who smiles without their teeth, you tend to think that they’re insecure about their smile in some way, shape, or form. Where someone who will smile with their teeth showing as big as possible that they are happy about their smile. They are confident about how they look. It’s everything to them.


I was getting married, and because I was so mortified to look at myself in photos, I decided that I had to pay for this. I had to get it done, and that it was going to be awesome. So I consulted with Schaumburg Dental Studio, and they walked me through it, and it was worth every penny.

Dr. Patel:

Whitney’s big thing was when she got her Invisalign done, she was getting married. So she wants to have a nice beautiful smile on her wedding day, and I was fortunate enough to be invited to their wedding. I have a picture actually of both of them. It’s so nice to see these beautiful smiles, which I was a part of. I know those are the kind of things that are going to stay with them for the rest of their life.

Whitney's wife:

Watching her go through the process of getting them done was kind of cool because every week, there was a new tray, a new difference, and she could see the process of things starting to slowly improve.


The same day that I stopped my last Invisalign tray was the same day he used the enamel contouring on the outside of my two teeth and was able to reshape those as well. I just sat there in awe, like I loved my smile. I loved the way it looked. I felt more beautiful and more confident, and it defines happiness to me because the bigger the smile, the greater the joy, and it just shines through you. So to me, there really is nothing that compares to it because it is the core of who you are, and it’s what people see when they see joy and happiness in you.

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