Don’t Ignore These 5 Dental Emergencies

Here at our practice we offer emergency dentistry in the Schaumburg, IL area for our patients because we want them to know that we are available for them if they ever experience a dental emergency. Also, our commitment to our patients receiving high quality dental care involved providing them dental emergency care. While our patients […]
Emergency Dental Care: Getting Dental Treatment During the Coronavirus Outbreak

You probably already know it. That the dull ache underneath that tooth won’t subside on its own. That chipped tooth will only get worse if it continues to go untreated. That uncomfortable sensitivity to hot or cold food or drink will only increase in severity. Yet, as the world hunkers down to wait out the […]
Don’t Panic: A better Understanding of Emergency Dentistry

Dental Emergency? Don’t Panic You should schedule appointments with your dentist once every six months. However, emergencies can pop up at a moment’s notice. Causing you to seek a dental professional right away. You’ll need someone who specializes in emergency dentistry, and Dr. Jignesh Patel at Schaumburg Dental Studio fits the bill perfectly. Here are […]